Meet Kimberly

The first time I moved out of the USA was at the age of 14. Adapting to a whole new culture and language in Panama over several years came with a lot of confusion as I was developing my sense of self, but with it also came a sense of gratitude I hadn’t experienced in my life before. Being able to spend time with my abuelos in the village that my mom grew up in was a humbling experience and exposed me to the Panamanian lifestyle. Everywhere I went, I observed how hard everyone around me worked, but it didn’t seem like the rat race we see here in the US. I saw the true warmth and affection shared between friends and family, which undoubtedly took priority over anything else. I learned that no matter how difficult life’s obstacles can be, it’s necessary to make time to enjoy oneself and nurture the relationships that matter most.

The time I spent in Panama gave me a totally new outlook on life. I became hellbent on seeing the rest of the world and learning more from people that were unfamiliar to me. It’s impossible to put into words how significant of an impact living in a different country had on me, so let’s just say the experience shaped me into the person I am now – a worldly, curious lady with the insatiable desire to see the world. Since then, I’ve lived in 3 other countries and have visited 16 countries and counting.

Parque Guell, Barcelona
Playa Huerta, Panama

My Message

I moved to San Diego when I was 18 and I took my newfound outlook with me, which I believe helped me land some pretty fortunate opportunities; however, I still really wanted to find ways to travel, and that set me down an unconventional path. Despite the odd timeline over the past 10 years, I have degrees from UC Irvine and the University of Leeds; I’ve lived in Germany, Panama, England and now Michigan; I’ve worn many hats throughout my career as an educator, mortgage specialist, and regulatory compliance agent for the cannabis industry in Michigan – I know – it’s all over the place and you must be thinking “alright lady, this isn’t LinkedIn.”

My message is this: You are MORE than what your family, parents (whoever) hoped you would be. You are far more expansive than the boxes society has put you in. You are a dynamic person with interests that stretch further than the titles your career has given you. The best time to start living your life the way you see fit, is right now.

Let's Connect!

If anything written on this little corner of the internet has struck a chord, I want to get to know you! Join our network of Diosas who are creating their boldest, richest lives and let’s go on this journey together. There is power in like-minded communities and I can’t wait to learn from you all!

xx, Kimberly

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